hey guys, it`s obvious what i wanna post in this post
i did saw an ipad in my school`s pusat sumber ( = library)
ok, i know some of you might just say:
cheh, just a ipad ma, there`s ipad along the street la
ya, i`m over reacting it and you should know why
just in case you don`t have any idea why,
i`m strongly in love with it!you should have read my previous post which i first post about ipad
cut! back to my school`s library
i saw 3 pps (= librarians ) surrounding an ipad!
i wonder whose is it? whose the lucky one who gotten the ipad
but that`s not my point,
look, there`s so much applications in the ipad
if my school would to buy several ipads, ( about 30)
and put it in the pusat sumber
i bet u`ll see me in the pusat sumber every single day
{ even though i`m almost in the pusat sumber already all the times due to tgsp n lzl`s "bookworm influence"}
but with the ipad in the pusat sumber, i won`t mind to go to school early everyday!
with ipad in the pusat sumberi`m sure the pusat sumber smktc will be crowded everyday!
besides, ipad isn`t just all about games, there`s also a couple things to learn in it!
cecilia- my favorite mummy teacher also a agree that ipad is an awesome invention
which could be a great learning tool!
look, kill two birds with one stone, great isn`t???
but i`m just day-dreaming
it is almost impossible to have ipads in schools for students
ok, i mean just impossible for my school cause my school don`t even have air-con! wtf
maybe one day soon, some schools might have ipads in schools!
till then, my school might just become the last school to have it
but just think about it,
isn`t it just nice, ok, not just nice, just great, to have ipads in schools?
kk, u might be thinking since i am so crazy about ipad, why don`t i buy one for myself?
i`m already saving money for it
but if u are so generous and willing to "donate" or " sponsor" me funds for it
i`ll be sooo happy ( ok, i`m just joking )
so wish me luck!